A heart attack can be simply defined when proper amount of blood does not reach the arteries of the heart. Heart is one of the major organ of our body. It is also known as the pumping machine of our body. Normally heart pumps the blood and sends to all the part of our body through veins and arteries. Blood travels from the heart to the body and also travels back to the heart. This is a simultaneous process. But when this process gets disrupt we call it a heart attack.
So what are the early signs of heart attack?
The main and the foremost is the chest pain. Chest pain may occur due to acidity as well but the pain varies from each other so you need to be very careful about this. While having a heart attack you will feel terrible and unbearable pain in the left side of your chest. Squeezing sound, tightness in the chest area, coldness in the body will be felt.
The patient will also feel nausea which means he/she wants to vomit or will get faint due to that. As the blood flow is ruptured so no blood flow will cause the hands and feet to get cold. During this time the patient should not be left alone at any cost.
Heart Attack is of Two Types
1. Mild heart attack: It normally occurs to the new heart patients. During this the patient may feel the symptoms but they wont feel that much. So 80% of the people don’t even know that they are having a heart attack.
2. Severe heart attack: Generally this is the main one where the patient will feel all the symptoms and the condition of the patient will get worse. Moreover in this attack the patient may lose their life.
What causes a heart attack?
We know that a myocardial infarction or heart attack happens when there is no blood flow through the arteries to the heart. But that’s the scientific definition. There are many reasons why a patient suffers from heart disease and ends up with a heart attack. Some of the points are given below:
1. Unhealthy Lifestyle
2. Stressful jobs
3. Smoking
4. Alcohol
5. Not Working Out
6. Age Factor
7. Genetics
8. Diet
Besides all this Diabetes and High Pressure may increase the chances of heart attack. These two disease act as a catalyst to form heart diseases and causing heart attacks.
How to Determine Heart Diseases?
We all know that prevention is better than cure. We need to live a healthy lifestyle and have right choices to lead a healthy life. But after following all the good rules of life some people get affected with heart diseases. To figure out early we should definitely do health check ups every month. Specially people who are aged and people who are obese are more tend to create heart diseases. Doctor or Physicians may give you the following tests to see the condition of your heart:
1. Blood Pressure
2. Echocardiogram
3. Electrocardiogram
4. Stress Test
5. ECG
6. Tilt Test
7. MRI
8. CT Scan
9. Angiogram
10. Chest X-Ray
All of the following tests above are very much effective to find out the condition of your heart. Physicians wont give you all the test but depending on your condition and symptoms the doctor may give you 3-4 tests or above.
How to be on the safe side?
1. Proper diet and nutrition
2. Stop Smoking
3. Stop alcohol consumptions
4. Work out regularly
5. Check your BP and Cholesterol levels
6. Sleep at-least 7-8 hours daily
7. Stress Management
8. Avoid Sugar
By following the above rules and conditions you may get to the safe zone and be fine. Having a healthy body is a choice. We need to be very cautious regarding these type of severe diseases. Also people already suffering from conditions DO NOT WORRY at all. Just follow proper lifestyle and you will be fine. But make sure to carry your medicines and emergency contacts always.
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